Sunday, June 26, 2011

Oh so much!!! I love the SaS life :)

Sooo, since I only have a few hours before I will be able to get off in Spain (!!!!!!!), I wanted to update y'all on what has gone on!  Oh lots of reading, class, and meetings... but I have also been able to have a bit of fun too! I got to meet my Extended Family :) I am now Aunt Jenni to 5 brilliant students who I can't wait to get to know more!! We (Amy and our AMAZING student workers, Anna & Kandis) put together and presented our first Leadership program on "True Colors" with skittles (yum)! I have been able to sit in a few "Brush up on Spanish" classes... woooo! He talks so fast! ...I will definintly need to take a real class when I get back! We sailed throught the Strait of Gilbraltar =D it was pretty neat to see land agian! Our cultural pre-port presentations have been fabulous and I just love getting to know the faculty in general!
Ouu, today I did my presentation on Higher Education in Spain and I feel that it went pretty well!! =D it's quite different from the US... they don't really even have student affairs there :/ it's all mostly done by the professors! Anyhow, like I said, I will be in SPAIN in a few hours so I'm gonna go to bed :) Hope all is well!!
Sea ya latter,

The Amazing Race... and others :)

The Amazing Race... and others :) (6/22/2011)

Hi! Hi! Everyone!!!!!  So, since we are at sea we have been taking classes and have now completed our C4 (Class day 4). Kathy Manning's class is really interesting :) Yesterday she brought in David Gise, our interport lecturer from Spain to talk about the higher education in Spain which was really interesting (I was familiar with it because I will be doing my presentation on it) She has also brought in Ken Cushner (the teachers at sea professor) to provide information about misunderstandings in other cultures.  His presentation was very entertaining and sooo informative for out visits to the other countries!

Yesterday was my first night on "Pub" dutie where the students are allowed to purchase alcohol (yes... the legal age is 18 on this ship... they are only allowed 2 for the night so don't get crazy). It was a fun little social hour for everyone... and was tempted to order a pizza... Holly was so right when she said there was mostly pasta and potatoes for meals :) ...they really aren't bad though. However, I can't wait for our dinning out adventures in port! David Gise also did a "Big Explorer Seminar" last night about dinning out in Spain and I am looking forward to those Tappas =D ...and I now know a few things I want to avoid!

Ouu I also audited one of the "Brush Up on Spanish" classes and it was pretty intense for me (he is from Spain and would only speak Spanish) but I could follow along a little (and he was very encouraging :) I know it will definitely come in handy!  I learned/relearned how to give directions for walking/driving and taking the trains <- I didn't even think about this one before I left!

Our interns (Anna & Kandis) have been amazing! Today we introduced them to a "True Colors" presentation which is a leadership assessment.  We had them take it and explained it to them.  Collectively we will be presenting it on Friday! So far it sounds like it will be an amazing presentation!

So tonight was the Amazing Race that Sarah and Tiana (other LLCs) have been working on.  This was a ship wide scavenger hunt that over 500 students (out of the 690) participated in!  There were some pretty tough riddles that led them to destinations where we (the staff and some volunteers) would sign them off.  The winners will be the first off in Spain! It was really fun seeing everyone try to work together as a group to figure out the clues and find the right people :) It did start to rain but that did not spoil the fun! The first team finished in 50 min! and the next came 20 min latter. It was so much fun... plus while I was waiting I actually did get to get some of my reading done! After some belly dancing and Apples to Apples with the Staff I came to work on my project and now I'm off to bed... we loose ANOTHER hour tonight (technically it's 1:44 right now)!!!  One last thing before I go... Apparently, someone saw a whale yesterday and did not tell me!  I will see a whal
 e!! *Fingers Crossed*

Sea ya latter,
~Jenni Kraft

Sunday, June 19, 2011

C1 or class day 1

C1 or class day 1

Aw before I break into today... I definitely have to let you know that yesterday was packed in the morning but after dinner us LLC Interns got to finally take a break and breath... Out on the deck laying out with the rest of the semester at sea girls!!! It was wonderful :) we even got to go out on the deck and watch the sun begin to set (I'll have to wait till latter to watch the full sun set. And of course a full sun rise :). Another note (because it has been so crazy busy and I have forgotten to mention) we had our floor meeting a couple of weeks ago and I (so far) am really digging my sea (residents on my deck). We have a mascot (the Aegean sea lions) and a claw for our hand sign!!! I LOVE the claw! First, the sea has slowly but surely brought it out to the rest of the ship and others are getting jealous that they aren't in our sea creating a sense of community :) second... It reminds me of the bobcat paw back home =D it just keeps popping up every corner I turn and it makes me smile :)

And now for today:
Today began with a morning trip to the sas store to find a jacket to keep me warm during class. :) I finished my readings for class (about the makeup of the shipboard of education) then ran head on into planning and preparing for our org fair today!! Amy and I were a little overwhelmed with how much we put together for this day but after a while we couldn't think of Any more ways to be prepared. So i continued my day at the desk answering fun questions and feeling like an RA again :) after our staff lunch meeting we headed off to our first class with dr. Kathy Manning :) I really appreciate her informing us that she was going to be a tough grader because she cares about our education and wants to challenge us! I know I will love her class!!
Latter in the evening (@ 20:00) we began our involvement fair! It was CRaZY busy! Over half of the students attended and soo many students registered for the over 50 organizations (plus a good handful that were created)!! Some orgs had over 300 sign ups! I know we must have handed out our Passports to Leadership to about 90%of those that attended! We are very excited about all of the soon to meet orgs :) afterwards the staff headed to Glazer Lounge and had a drink to celebrate as we... Get this!... Watched the MOON RISE over the ocean!! Such a beautiful view! A picture could not capture it's magnificence!!! As I'm getting ready for bed I still can't believe this amazing program I get to be a part of!!! Tomorrow will be a bit more liesur now that the org fair is out of the way but I'm sure it will be eventful!

My aunt gave me a magnet that said "go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined!" -Thoreau

Sea yah latter,

I would love to hear notes from back home :) leave a comment !!

Sent from my iPod

Saturday, June 18, 2011

We have left the Bahamas!!!!

We have left the Bahamas!!!!

Yesterday we had training all day long with meetings back to back to back!! But they were all very thorough and informative and helped us to prepare for all the students that boarded today!! We also had a fantastic parent's reception that allowed the parents to see the ship their student would be on and meet us (the staff)! I had a fabulous time meeting and explaining all the things I have learned about the voyage in the past few days!

We had a fantastic breakfast meeting to start the voyage off right! Beth led a great meeting about diversity and we all closed on a positive note (which had us bursting out laughing)! It was touching (we are the stars in drew's universe :) and motivating! Then we went straight to meeting and treating our participants for the voyage... Which brought back fond memories of orientation (which now that I think of it... So did the parent's reception yesterday)!
Our next adventure was to assist with the life boat drill. This was very exciting and really only took 30 min!!! He Dalton said it was the first time he didn't see anyone with flip flops! We didn't have to send anyone back.... Which was amazing! We were told over the pa that that was probably the best inspection he has ever had! Good job too all of our participants!!
After some time to myself for some paper writing and reading, we all headed out to the decks to wave goodbye to the Bahamas as we officially set off on our voyage! At which point both Amy and I realized we left our cameras in the room... But never fear! I ran down the 6 flights of stairs (and then back up) to grab them and took some pics!
We then all headed down for some scrumdiddlyumpchus dinner followed by our welcome meeting with everyone!
Afterwards we broke off into our seas for our meetings!! We are the Aegean Sea Lions :) we have a claw for our hand sign (which we have already been using to greet each other with!! I can't wait for all that lies ahead!
Sea ya latter!

Sent from my iPod

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oh my goodness everyone!! I'm finally in the Bahamas!!!!!

Oh my goodness everyone!! I'm finally in the Bahamas SO ready to get on my ship!!! Yesterday I arrived In a plane filled with excited students parents and guests who were heading out to my same destination: to board the MV Explorer!!! So yesterday I got to see all my SeaHort and staff member's Facebook pictures come to life!!! Everyone is very friendly!
Today, I woke up in a strange bed not knowing where I was or who was next to me when a flush of memories filled my head and reminded me that I was doing SEMESTER AT SEA!!!! I realized that I was in the Bahamas and was going to be boarding the ship today!! my heart started racing and I was immediately filled with excitement... Except I still had 30 min before everyone else wanted to wake up so I tried to stay quite and soak it all in!
Thankfully my roommates started to wake up not long after :) we all got packed and ready for a quick breakfast before our college of Bahamas visit! Valdez and all of the staff and students there were so welcoming and eager to share about their new (37 years old) growing college!! I will be writing a paper on the visit and I'm sure I'll post it but we loved the visit and believe that they have set the bar high for our other campus vists :)
Right after our trip we loaded up our bags and headed to the ship!!! With each step closer to our upcoming home my heart must have skipped a beat!! Walking towards it from our hotel we could see the Semester at Sea seal! We unloaded all our bags and headed to the gang way (where we docked on) there was no line so we got in quick and that's when all those YouTube videos actually came to life!! The ship is beautiful and way more magnificent than I expected! Amy and I are in room 2044 and WE HAVE A PORT HOLE!!! So we will be able to look out to sea and land as we are approaching :) woo! The rooms have Way more space than Amy and I had planned!
Shortly after dropping our stuff off we started meeting up with my SeaHort (or cohort). Set up our laptops, had a quick tour, and a very short dinner before we met with the amazing student life team!!!!! Our introductions were fun and student affairsy :) I feel right at home! Even though ot wil be long, i can't wait for our FULL day of training tomorrow! I'll try to keep y'all posted!!!
Sea ya latter,

Sent from my iPod

Monday, June 13, 2011

Bon voyage everybody!!!!!!!

Woo!!! Today is the day everyone!!! I'm heading out to my amazing adventure over seas!!!!! I cant tell you how excited I am!! :) I'm officialy all packed! I have my orientation leader backpack (OL for life) one carry on and one check bag... Which only weighs 40 pounds :) I think I've done a pretty good job!! Since I last wrote I also recieved a scholarship from ASG!! and the Graduate Student Affairs Council (GSAC) scholarship :) almost at tuition cost so I'm very happy!! Thanks to all my supporters once again before I head out! There should be more messages now that my adventure is beginning :D ill let y'all know how the Bahamas is soon!! Till then,

Sea ya latter!
Jenni Kraft