Oh my goodness everyone!! I'm finally in the Bahamas SO ready to get on my ship!!! Yesterday I arrived In a plane filled with excited students parents and guests who were heading out to my same destination: to board the MV Explorer!!! So yesterday I got to see all my SeaHort and staff member's Facebook pictures come to life!!! Everyone is very friendly!
Today, I woke up in a strange bed not knowing where I was or who was next to me when a flush of memories filled my head and reminded me that I was doing SEMESTER AT SEA!!!! I realized that I was in the Bahamas and was going to be boarding the ship today!! my heart started racing and I was immediately filled with excitement... Except I still had 30 min before everyone else wanted to wake up so I tried to stay quite and soak it all in!
Thankfully my roommates started to wake up not long after :) we all got packed and ready for a quick breakfast before our college of Bahamas visit! Valdez and all of the staff and students there were so welcoming and eager to share about their new (37 years old) growing college!! I will be writing a paper on the visit and I'm sure I'll post it but we loved the visit and believe that they have set the bar high for our other campus vists :)
Right after our trip we loaded up our bags and headed to the ship!!! With each step closer to our upcoming home my heart must have skipped a beat!! Walking towards it from our hotel we could see the Semester at Sea seal! We unloaded all our bags and headed to the gang way (where we docked on) there was no line so we got in quick and that's when all those YouTube videos actually came to life!! The ship is beautiful and way more magnificent than I expected! Amy and I are in room 2044 and WE HAVE A PORT HOLE!!! So we will be able to look out to sea and land as we are approaching :) woo! The rooms have Way more space than Amy and I had planned!
Shortly after dropping our stuff off we started meeting up with my SeaHort (or cohort). Set up our laptops, had a quick tour, and a very short dinner before we met with the amazing student life team!!!!! Our introductions were fun and student affairsy :) I feel right at home! Even though ot wil be long, i can't wait for our FULL day of training tomorrow! I'll try to keep y'all posted!!!
Sea ya latter,
Sent from my iPod
Today, I woke up in a strange bed not knowing where I was or who was next to me when a flush of memories filled my head and reminded me that I was doing SEMESTER AT SEA!!!! I realized that I was in the Bahamas and was going to be boarding the ship today!! my heart started racing and I was immediately filled with excitement... Except I still had 30 min before everyone else wanted to wake up so I tried to stay quite and soak it all in!
Thankfully my roommates started to wake up not long after :) we all got packed and ready for a quick breakfast before our college of Bahamas visit! Valdez and all of the staff and students there were so welcoming and eager to share about their new (37 years old) growing college!! I will be writing a paper on the visit and I'm sure I'll post it but we loved the visit and believe that they have set the bar high for our other campus vists :)
Right after our trip we loaded up our bags and headed to the ship!!! With each step closer to our upcoming home my heart must have skipped a beat!! Walking towards it from our hotel we could see the Semester at Sea seal! We unloaded all our bags and headed to the gang way (where we docked on) there was no line so we got in quick and that's when all those YouTube videos actually came to life!! The ship is beautiful and way more magnificent than I expected! Amy and I are in room 2044 and WE HAVE A PORT HOLE!!! So we will be able to look out to sea and land as we are approaching :) woo! The rooms have Way more space than Amy and I had planned!
Shortly after dropping our stuff off we started meeting up with my SeaHort (or cohort). Set up our laptops, had a quick tour, and a very short dinner before we met with the amazing student life team!!!!! Our introductions were fun and student affairsy :) I feel right at home! Even though ot wil be long, i can't wait for our FULL day of training tomorrow! I'll try to keep y'all posted!!!
Sea ya latter,
Sent from my iPod
Jenni that sounds AMAZING!! Yay!